Massage & Bodywork in Lehigh Valley
Trigger Point & Orthopedic | Myofascial Release | Craniosacral Therapy
Our massage therapists utilize a personalized approach to help relieve muscle aches and pains, increase flexibility and range of motion, and improve circulation.
Massage therapy is another excellent compliment to acupuncture and East Asian Herbal Medicine. It takes a unique individual to excel in the field of massage therapy and the massage therapists at Good Health are truly world-class.
back pain
anxiety / depression
stroke recovery
chronic or intractable pain
headache / migraines
concussion recovery
thyroid conditions

Our Treatments
This form of massage focuses on maintaining the proper length of muscle fibers, proper hydration of the muscles, and proper stimulation of muscle spindles in order to create structural balance throughout the body.
Craniosacral therapy focuses on the cerebrospinal fluid, the liquid that bathes and nourishes the structures of the central nervous system. This therapy has been shown to alleviate pain immediately post treatment and 3 months post-treatment as well as improve kinesthetic awareness. As stated by the Upledger Institute, "Few structures have as much influence over the body's ability to function properly as the brain and spinal cord that make up the central nervous system." And the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is responsible for maintaining the proper and efficient nourishment of the central nervous system. Craniosacral therapy focuses on maintaining the efficient and effective circulation of CSF through the central nervous system.
Combination bodywork session grounded in the principles of the Trager® approach that includes tablework and Mentastics® movement. This gentle style of bodywork and movement create an experience that releases and relaxes emotional states and body tensions and pains.
Our Massage & Bodywork Team
Meet Katherine
Katherine is a graduate of the Pennsylvania Institute of Massage Therapy and is licensed by the State of PA Massage Therapy Board.
Trained in numerous modalities, she specializes in therapeutic techniques such as Myofascial Release, Trigger Point Therapy, Sports and Orthopedic Massage.
She loves working with clients to alleviate pain and bring relief to issues of chronic discomfort. She intentionally creates a session that will suit your specific needs to help you reduce pain, feel more relaxed and get back to an optimal quality of life.
Meet Brent
Brent is a bodywork practitioner and yoga teacher, who focuses on creating a meditative and calm atmosphere for all his patients. His unique approach assists those with chronic pain or stress, helping them to feel length and ease throughout the entire body.
The sessions will promote more flexibility, stability, and a greater body awareness by softly releasing habitual holding patterns in the mind and body. You will depart from each session with some essential tools to enhance performance in your daily activities.
Meet Robin
Robin is a Licensed Massage Therapist and Reiki Master in Pennsylvania and Florida.
Her passion is Craniosacral Therapy. A light touch, complimentive therapy that uses gentle placement of hands to assist the body in relieving tension in the central nervous system. It has the potential to help reduce pain, relieve dysfunction and improve overall balance.
Her intent is always to provide a space of support for the client to receive calm and clarity for their own healing experience.